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Frequently Asked Questions

How does GPTHero Composer work?

GPTHero Composer uses cutting-edge AI to synthesize high-quality essays from scratch. All it takes is an idea that you provide, and GPTHero Composer will do the rest. The AI-powered writing tool can generate content on a wide range of topics, from science and technology to literature and history. With GPTHero Composer, you can save time and effort while still producing top-notch writing that is both informative and engaging. Plus, the tool's intuitive interface and user-friendly features make it easy to use for writers of all skill levels. Whether you're a student, a blogger, or a professional writer, GPTHero Composer can help you create content that shines. Give it a try today and experience the power of AI-assisted writing!

Is the essay obfuscated?

Yes. Once our AI has generated your essay, it is run through the same advanced algorithms as in the Obfuscator engine.